tisdag 27 april 2010

Träskor orginal 70tal stl 34, 35, 36 endast 120kr

Ram 150kr hanskar 300kr

Bok 100kr, Klocka 400kr djr 150kr.

torsdag 8 april 2010

Malcom Mclaren RIP

Bilder från fine little day

Pictures from http://finelittleday.blogspot.com/


Nu har det kommit in massa fina blommiga klänningar 995kr, kjolar 499kr och blusar 549kr som vi sytt i ateljen. Alla är unika och helt bedårande nu när våren har "kommit".

New flower dresses, skirts and blouses has arrived.

måndag 5 april 2010

Thank you Easter

This weekend we spent at my parents house relaxing and enjoying nice weather.
Making nice food with our beloved friend Thure and lovely Femi. We also made veggie pirogs for our lunches this week.

Some shopping to the shop was also made very nice lamps and some other stuff. This week will we give the shop a new facelift stay tuned our friends.
take care